Thursday 9 March 2017

A sense of the Abstract

The opening of this mornings seminar with James was focused on reconsideration throughout our written essays. We do not have our formative assessment feedback yet, however we were given a few pointers overall, that we could look into individually so that we could correct our work for the summative hand in. Pointers that we were given to reconsider were elements such as writing in first person; we were to change our writing making sure we used facts and figures that were backed up with existing evidence, rather than given our personal view with no evidence of where we got our information from. 

The next step of our essay production is writing an abstract, including 500 words. This abstract is there to be able to make sense on its own with a summery that is not too detailed; it should be very isolated and basically a condensed version of my essay. James gave us four points that need to be included in the abstract in able for it to be well structured. 

  • Where you are: Situation
  • What you're doing: Process
  • How you're doing it:
  • Where will you end: Conclusion

Today's task inside the seminar was to help us pick key elements our of our essay that we could pick up on throughout our abstract. We were to create a mind map starting with out 3-5 key words, including the essay question context (in short), that we could then branch off from, introducing main focal points that I spoke about inside my 1500 word essay. I started with words such as 'Subculture' 'hip hop' 'graffiti art' 'dance', then created more branches to produce abstract ideas. We got in groups and expressed our essay ideas and the mind maps we produced.
After the mind map task, we were to get in groups of four, and write an abstract together for some short films that were to be shown. Each member was to focus on one of the sections that are included in an abstract piece of writing: Where you are, what you're doing, how you're doing it, where you will end. We were to edit our pieces together to create a single abstract. I was given the situation; where are you.

First short film: The Black Hole - Future Shorts.
Situation: Printer prints a black hole on a piece of paper while man is bored at work. It is there to grab things out of. He can do what he liked with an object he prints. Anything is possible with the piece of paper.
Full Abstract: Bored at work, passes the time, prints an object and anything is possible with it, access to anything. Becomes greedier and greedier. Feeds his greed and ego. Man suffers for personal gain, trapped inside safe that he tries to steal from. Represents karma.

This exercise was there to provide me with an idea as to how I am going to structure my abstract, and how much detail needs to be written in order to stick to my limited 500 word count.