Thursday 17 November 2016

Multiple Perspectives - Demonstrations of Differences

This morning's seminar followed on with ways in which to help build the best assingment I can achieve. The topic today was perspectives, and how looking at things from different angles can build a whole new world. The exercises and speeches we were given in this seminar helped me realise that whilst writing my assignment, there will always be more ways to look at different pieces of information I will be jotting down. There is never one straight route that I have to follow, there is always other directions I can lead and new ways of thinking will become apparent.
Nothing is unchanging, internal or timeless. Therefore, there is no absolute 'eternal truth'.
No absolute politics, life, ethics, morality, truth, goodness.

We watched the Shimmer suit video online, it represented new dynamics, and how we are always looking at something different that is constantly changing.

Another video we watched to represent multiple persperctives was the points of view video found on youtube. It shows how we change our understanding depending how which angle we look at something, and we never know the full truth, there is always more to be found. There is no whole picture to get, there is always too much going on. 

To round the seminar up, we took part in two exercise with the rest of the class. One, we watched a video up to around a minute and a half long, then got split into four groups. Each group had 20 seconds of the video to focus on, to share in their own words their understanding of the scene. We all had different views on what happened at different parts of the video. So depending on which part you were focusing on, it had a completely different storyline.

The final exercise included looking at different sides of a box form different angles, my side displayed a piece of paper with a man walking away. Other sides had different objects attached, we looked into angles, reactions, and perspectives from all different people.