Thursday 10 November 2016

Perspective Drawing - Interior Studies

Today's Process and Production session was with John, focusing on drawing from different angles, perspectives, and areas, similar to the last drawing session. However this week we stayed inside the university and drew different sections throughout the creative arts building. We had a range of material in use, from fine liners, to crayons, to charcoal and water based paints. These materials were there to help us produce an extended amount of different outcomes, and to find other ways of creating a scene rather than using just a pencil to add depth, reflection and character. As you can see below, we displayed a few pieces of work from students including myself; there is vibrant colour, soft shading, thick block lines and a quick light sketches all from using only three drawing sites. We got a feel for scale and size as well as texture and materials throughout the building and its views. A very good exercise to produce thumbnails to larger, detailed images.