Thursday 26 January 2017

Industry Brief: Transformation as a Design Process

Sketching, and producing a range of ideas was today's target for my Foundation Studio project. At this point, I hadn't really looked into any of the books that were listed for the brief. The adult fiction cover award, To Kill a Mockingbird, I was familiar with; I read the book as part of my English GCSE's. Therefore in this session, I focused on using a central idea relating to the book, creating an initial description/state and drawing a main idea down on paper. I used thumbnails and sketches, but also included key words, and unique points that I thought would help with my research.

Transformations: Explore the unexpected
  • 'Invert' one element {design, movement, theme, stance, audience, etc} and explore the new potential outcome
  • Go back to original idea and do this again
  • Transform the new outcome, moves you a long way from the original