Thursday 9 February 2017

Summarising - Descriptive Writing

Starting our lesson once again with peer editorial, we exchanged writing, making critical and productive comments on the work we were handed. I made sure I made comments that were positive, letting the student know where the writing was clear and concise, but also adding advice for where I thought the writing could of been improved. 
We then gathered in groups and exchanged diagrams that we had been using to help us with our essays. Whether they were digital with images, or written mind maps, we spoke about the work we had produced and how the ideas/sketches/images were interpreted into our assignments. This exercise was very useful, it let us open up to other students, making sure we understood our own work enough to describe our ideas to others. We also had a feel of how other students planned their work and what techniques they produced that maybe we can take and use in our own way. 

The third section of this seminar, was an exercise that included practicing descriptive writing. We watched two clips, from these clips we produced four small sketches that represented different scenes, like a story board. For each of the four key frames, we connected a descriptive sentence/ points.