Monday 10 October 2016

Library Inspiration

After today's lecture on Form Follows Function, I had a seminar that covered using the library. I was given the task of finding an inspiring quote from a book that I could then share and analyse. Using the Huddersfield Library 'summon' website, I managed to find a book called 'The laws of Simplicity' by John Maeda. I engaged with this book because I thought it really connected with the Form follows Function theme I learnt about today. 

The quote I found was as follows:
“Simplicity is about subtracting the obvious and adding the meaningful.” 

I believe the quote above is inspiring to me, as well as interesting. The Bauhaus lecture was interesting to me because I love the new, contemporary designs that take away unnecessary decoration, helping to portray the function of the design, rather than the form being the most important. The quote I found, really relates to the Form follows Function because modernistic designs are simple, but meaningful. 
I will make sure this quote is remembered throughout my design work, it will be useful to portray in a lot of creations.