Monday 3 October 2016


Today, we had a lecture on convergence and a guest lecturer, former student Jonathan Lindley, came in to speak to us. To converge is the translation of information; from information being communicated, to it being understood by the consumer. An idea that converges due to of a complex mix of circumstances is a catalytic culture. A catalyst is a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction, or in our case a person or thing that precipitates an event. As a Graphic Designer I now understand that I need to recognise and identify my own style of visual communication, helping me to produce high standard pieces of work.

Paul Rand is an artist that uses visual metaphors to communicate a message through an illusional device. He uses pictures to represent words and the true meaning, in the lecture we were given a piece of his work to look into. Image found at ( (Shown above)

On the left, is a quick piece of work my group put together in the afternoon seminar following on from the Convergence lecture. We looked at The Medium is the Message, written by Marshall Macluhan (theory behind the piece, shows the medium which content is carried, and how it plays a vital role in the way it is perceived). We were to produce our own version of the Medium is the Message. The pieces of newspaper were given out to create an object or a phrase that related to a word we found interesting in the articles. The phrase my group put together read ‘We need jobs, now they chop and make power & profits’ relating to the government. The second phrase read ‘guilty politics have caused misery and betrayal.’ The words are very strong and send out a powerful message towards what we as a group believed in.